Pacific Ocean road trip

My boyfriend, Stephen, and I love to explore as much as we can, when we can. We both work full time during the week, only able to use the weekends to get lost usually.

Last year- for my birthday- we took some time off and planned a trip down to the coast. We could not escape the smoke, so my Stephen really wanted to go back. This time we went further south.

Kopachuck State Park, WA

September 12, 2022

Dungeness Bay, WA

September 12, 2022

Even with the smoke, it is a stunning spot. We spent that night at one of our favorite camp spots, Penrose Point State Park. It was one of the most peaceful birthday mornings ever. This is my first journal entry so I  linked the video I made for this trip below.

Cape Lookout State Park

This year we took time off early in the summer to explore down the Pacific Coast. We stayed the night at a campground near Tillamook, OR.

The next day was mostly a driving day, making our way down to California.

We stayed close to Crescent Beach, CA,  and in the morning, we had a nice view overlooking the ocean- and flowers.

Then we found ourselves in what is known as California's lost coast.

King Range National Conservation Area

King Range National Conservation Area

Cape Mendocino

This is a very remote area, and it feels that way, definitely more cows than people out there. The wild flowers really were breathtaking though.

Redwood State Park

There is something special about being around such gigantic trees. I wish that we could have spent more time here.

Crater Lake

This was a place that Stephen and I have wanted to go for a while. While exceeding expectations, bewarned that there will be a lot of people.

We finished off our trip with a beautiful lake, Crescent Lake, and exploring the Deschutes river in Oregon. This was one of our favorite trips yet. 

Check out my short videos from these trips.

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